A Sit Down with the Head Cobra

by DJ Wagner

General Manager / Head Coach Resignalo Comments on Upcoming Cobras Season

GREENSBORO, NC - With the release of the Carolina Cobras 2022 schedule, we went to the Head Coach/General Manager of the Cobras Josh Resignalo for some comments about the upcoming season. The Cobras are playing 14 weeks in a row, with seven regular season home games and looking to bounce back from an early round playoff loss and 3-6 record, including going 0-4 at the Snake Pit. The Cobras will start on the road against the Columbus Lions on April 23 and will open the home slate at the Snake Pit on April 30 against the Orlando Predators. Coach Res had a lot to say, so let’s jump right into it.

DJ: What are your thoughts on the makeup of the 2022 schedule? Considering the Cobras will be playing 14 regular season games in a row, and 16 weeks in a row to get back to the Championship game?

Res: I think it is going to be very interesting for sure.  Preparation, in all forms, from training to recovery time will be critical in the health and well being of the players. We have a great staff and will have a great plan in place week to week on the road back to the ship!

DJ: Do you think that playing consecutive weeks like that is an advantage or disadvantage?

Res: It can go either way, if injuries are an issue, then it will definitely be a disadvantage. If all is going well and we are rolling, then it will be a huge advantage going into the playoffs.

DJ: The Cobras have done a lot to start building the roster for 2022, what are your plans for open tryouts leading into camp?

Res: We have a couple workouts in a few different cities.  January will be in Pittsburgh PA, February will be home in Greensboro and March will be in Lincoln, NE.  We plan on adding one or two more locations during that time.

DJ: Now that we have the home schedule, what are the plans for the next steps in the revival of the Cobras Youth Arena Football League (CYAFL)?

Res: Great question!  I am excited to relaunch the CYAFL for the 2022 season. It was going to be a huge success for the 2020 season but naturally had to be postponed with everything going on. This year will be even bigger and better. We are going to have 12 teams in two age groups, 13u and 11u. More info will be released tomorrow!

DJ: We know now that we start with the Columbus Lions on the road on April 23, and that your main focus will be on that game, but what other games/trips are you looking forward to?

Res:  Columbus is always a tough place to play. Gibson and the Lions always do a great job year after year. I’m looking to go back to Albany for sure, and Jacksonville and Orlando are always good trips.

DJ: Other than San Antonio you have been to all the other arenas, what is your favorite place to travel to?

Res: Jacksonville, at the moment, is my favorite place on the road. They have an electric atmosphere and awesome fan base.

DJ: This season, with the signing of James Fuller as Offensive Coordinator and the return of Anson Yarborough as Defensive Coordinator, do you still plan on being on the field to call the plays, or will that be something you handle from the bench? 

Res: I have two great coaches as coordinators.  Coach Fuller has been at this a long time and I’m looking forward to seeing what he does in 2022. Coach Yarborough is a young, up and coming coach. His goal is to bring the Cobras defense back to #1 and I know he’s going to make that happen. I will be managing all aspects of the game from the bench. We will have strong game plans as we have a great staff as a whole and we will all work together as a unit.

DJ:  One question that we get asked a lot with the introduction of the Ironman Rules to the NAL for the 2022 season, did that change your strategy on how you signed players, and what do you think will be the biggest impact on the field?

Res: It 100% changed our recruiting strategy.  It had to.  You have to sign athletes that can play this game at a high level.  Not just position players. We are going after guys that can 100% play both sides of the ball. Most of the teams you see signing good WR’s, Db’s and bigs, that’s good and all, but can they play both sides of the ball? Right now, we have the best roster of two-way guys. That, in itself, will have a huge impact on game days.

DJ:  This season there are four matchups with the Jacksonville Sharks. We know these two teams have had a major rivalry since the birth of the Cobras in 2018, with the Cobras winning the Championship in 2018 and the Sharks in 2019. You have signed quite a few former Sharks for 2022.  What do you consider the biggest factor on why this rivalry is so intense, and what do you plan to do to make it even more intense in 2022?

Res:  That is another reason I look forward to the Jacksonville games, especially on the road. It was important for me to bring some comfort to Coach Fuller and some of the first couple signing that had been in Jacksonville. This game is all about continuity amongst the team. When the team gels, then the team wins. The roster from top to bottom all know each other in some form or fashion. That will be a huge difference maker from week to week. This rivalry will be the most intense in 2022 because of the relationships, both good and bad, on both sides. The Sharks vs Cobras games will be some of the best NAL football in 2022.

DJ:  The Cobras have a three-game homestand in weeks two through four versus Orlando, Jacksonville and San Antonio, and I know the goal is to keep going 1-0, but last year we split with both Orlando and Jacksonville, and they actually both beat us in the Snake Pit. What are your plans on changing that?  

Res:  It doesn’t matter who is playing in the Snake Pit. Every game in the Snake Pit will be each opposing teams’ toughest game they play all year. We let our fans down, and our city, in losing all four home games this past season in Greensboro. That makes me sick and disgusted. All that is on my mind is Cobra Nation has not had a win in the Pit since…are you ready…AUGUST 3, 2019. That just sounds stupid! When the season comes around that will mark almost three calendar years without a win at home. That will 100% be fixed in 2022.  April 30, our first home game, is the first home game to make, unfortunately for them, Orlando the first victim of the Snake Pit in 2022.

DJ:  Based on how you are currently setting up the roster for 2022, where do you think your current biggest strength is with the roster, and where do you think there needs to be more improvement? Also, how hard do you feel it is going to be to make cuts after training camp this year with all of the talent you have coming in?

Res:  We are adding pieces every couple of days. We are strong across the board. We will be bolstering the big guys these next couple weeks to balance out the roster. We will have the best skill group in the league. The Ironman Award winner will certainly come from Carolina this season. We, as a staff, are not looking forward to making cuts at the end of camp. Every year it’s hard, but 2022 is shaping up to be the toughest roster to trim down, that’s for sure. I will say no matter the year, it’s never easy making cuts.

DJ:  Finally, now that you have had a chance to soak up the schedule, and see all of the dates for 2022, what message do you have for Cobra Nation about what to expect in 2022?

Res:  Only thing on our goals list for the season is don’t lose at home, and to bring the Championship back to Cobra Nation! So spread the word about your team and we’ll see you in the Snake Pit April 30th!

So, as you can see, Coach Resignalo is excited for 2022, and you should be too! If you do not have your season tickets yet you need to do it IMMEDIATELY, we need to fill the Snake Pit in 2022, and for that we need YOU! So, call 336-455-7232 and secure your seats today! Payment plans are available, so don’t delay! The Redemption Tour 2022 begins at the Greensboro Coliseum on April 30, 2022, at 7:30pm against the Orlando Predators, that is 129 days from today! Cobra Nation, let the countdown begin!