Talking to the Head Cobras - Week 1

by DJ Wagner

Q&A with Head Coach Josh Resignalo

ALBANY, NY - We had a quick Q&A session with Head Coach Josh Resignalo before our week one match up against the Albany Empire which is Saturday night at 7pm in the MVP Arena in Albany, NY.

DJ:  After a very intense training camp, that included a lot of hard cuts at the end, it is good to finally be able to look forward to live action against an opponent?

Res: Yes, the guys are ready to see a different colored jersey. We had a great camp, and we are ready to roll.

DJ:  Albany has had a lot of roster turnover this season, as have the Cobras, what do you consider their strengths this season?

Res:  Albany will again be a tough team and a solid organization for, I believe, their 4th year.  I’m sure they have some unknowns, as do we, but their strength to begin the season I would say has to be their staff.  Returning a solid OC in Coach Ware who has been around a long time.  Of course, Coach Manas and his leadership is tops in the game.  He has been at all levels of football and will have his squad ready to defend their ship.

DJ:  Now, looking at the Cobras roster, what do you feel are the biggest strengths the team has going into the regular season?

Res:  The biggest for us, I would say, is the ability of our skill players to be able to play both ways. Their versatility is key with the NAL bringing back the Ironman rules.

DJ:  Last season Albany had a very high scoring offense, leading the league in scoring, do you expect similar from them this year?

Res:  They definitely have some players, but overall, it would be hard for any QB to have to fill the shoes and huge expectations following the departure of Grady. Replacing a guy like that would be tough for any organization. Again, back to the 2nd question, they have a great staff and will have their team ready to go.

DJ:  When you saw that Albany was on the schedule to start the season, after they ended the 2021 season in the playoffs, did that game become a bigger bullseye on a must win game?

Res:  Every game is a must win. However, in the first game of the season everyone wants the first crack at giving the defending champs their first loss since the 2021 Championship.  We get the first opportunity to do so to set the tone for the season.  To be the man you gotta beat the man. We get our shot this Saturday night!

DJ: Now looking at the Cobras, there has been a ton of turnover on the Cobras roster as well.  What group or groups have you most excited about the 2022 Cobras, that you may not have had with the 2021 group?

Res:  We will have a solid defensive unit especially up front. Having Micah and Walt back will be big. With Ford coming back and the addition of NAL Vet Zack Brown and rookie DL Carson Williams, we will have a pretty nasty group on defense. Not to mention the great arena Vet DB’s in Micheaux, Powell and Davenport. Our offense is going to be one of the best we’ve had here.  So adding a top notch defense all around like 18/19, we should be a pretty tough matchup.

DJ:  Besides the obvious goal of winning the Championship, what other goals have you set for the 2022 Cobras?

Res:  To have the best all-around group. The 18 Championship team was a tight group.  I believe we are on track to have another solid family in 2022 which will be the recipe for our success.

DJ:  What is your message to Cobra Nation as the team hits the road to start the 2022 campaign?

Res:  Cobra Nation tune in on YouTube at Blue Rock, or from home if you can’t make it. This year you can even listen to the game on or on WWBG 1470 AM.  Continue to spread the word about the Cobras in the community and let’s pack the home opener April 30!

So, there you have it Cobra Nation, the gauntlet has been laid down.  We need your help April 30 to pack the Snake Pit!!  If you have season tickets already, get some friends to come to the game with you.  If you have never been to a game before and are curious about the arena game, try it one time, you WILL be hooked!!  Great, family friendly and high-speed entertainment, and weather is never an issue, perfectly comfortable 72 F in the Greensboro Coliseum.  So be there!!  336-455-7232 is the number to call or you can get single game tickets through Ticketmaster NOW!